Off topic:

Maybe the entire space time,  the universe and his history, is isomorphic to
a mathematical structure.


2009/10/1 Peter Verswyvelen <bugf...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Andrew Coppin <andrewcop...@btinternet.com
> > wrote:
>> Sure. But what is a computer program? It's a *list of instructions* that
>> tells a computer *how to do something*. And yet, the Haskell definition of
>> sum looks more like a definition of what a sum is rather than an actual,
>> usable procedure for *computing* that sum. (Of course, we know that it /is/
>> in fact executable... it just doesn't look it at first sight.)
> Is it? The list of instruction is just an abstraction layer built on top of
> purely physical process of electrons and transistors; I'm not sure how much
> imperativeness remains at this level? Not to mention the quantum mechanical
> processes that take place... And that are also just mathematical models... I
> mean, it really depends from which angle and at which detail you look at it,
> no?
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