>   class HOAS repr arrow int where
>     lam :: (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (arrow a b)
>     app :: repr (arrow a b) -> repr a -> repr b
>     fix :: (repr a -> repr a) -> repr a
>     let_ :: repr a -> (repr a -> repr b) -> repr b
>     int :: int -> repr int
>     add :: repr int -> repr int -> repr int
>     sub :: repr int -> repr int -> repr int
>     mul :: repr int -> repr int -> repr int
> > The underlying problem with the implementation of 'lam' is that 
> > you have to pick an evaluation order for the side effects you want in
> > the semantics of your embedded language. The two obvious options are
> > call-by-name and call-by-value.
> (Section 5 of our (JFP) paper addresses both CBN and CBV.)

Do you have a link to the paper?

-- Don
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