On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 10:34:07AM +0200, Wouter Swierstra wrote:
> On 7 Oct 2009, at 23:39, John Velman wrote:
>> For anyone following this:  The XCode ld script is complex, and has mac
>> specific defaults early in the search path specification, and I probably
>> don't want to change these.  A library in a default path is the wrong
>> libgmp.[dylib | a].
> Is there any chance you'll write up exactly what you needed to do on a 
> blog/TMR article/Haskell wiki page? I've tried doing something similar, ran 
> into linking problems, and gave up my fight with XCode. I think this would 
> be a really useful resource for both Obj-C programmers looking into Haskell 
> and Haskell programmers who want to have a fancy Cocoa GUI. Thanks!
>   Wouter

Yes, it is my intention to do just that.  Unfortunately, I don't always
follow through!  But with a specific request, I'll try to get it done in
the next few days.

I'll post the url here.


John Velman

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