On 11 Oct 2009, at 13:58, John Lato wrote:

For anyone writing introductions to generic programming, take this as
a plea from Haskellers everywhere.  If one of the RWH authors can't
understand how to make use of these techniques, what hope do the rest
of us have?

John Lato

P.S. Some might wryly note that I'm the maintainer of a package which
is also known for incomprehensible documentation.  To which I would
reply that our effort is much newer, I consider it a problem, and it's
being worked on, contrasted to the state of GP where similarly
impenetrable documentation has been and continues to be the norm.

You could say that about most documentation (for Haskell and beyond). Apparently, programmers like programming better than documenting. The effect of this is that less people use their programming, making their efforts redundant.

Silly really, considering programmers are (allegedly:) intelligent.


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