On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 3:37 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones
<simo...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> | > Is there any way to define type-level multiplication without requiring
> | > undecidable instances?
> |
> | No, not at the moment.  The reasons are explained in the paper "Type
> | Checking with Open Type Functions" (ICFP'08):
> |
> |    http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/papers/tc-tfs.pdf
> |
> | We want to eventually add closed *type families* to the system (ie,
> | families where you can't add new instances in other modules).  For
> | such closed families, we should be able to admit more complex
> | instances without requiring undecidable instances.
> It's also worth noting that while "undecidable" instances sound scary, but 
> all it means is that the type checker can't prove that type inference will 
> terminate.  We accept this lack-of-guarantee for the programs we *run*, and 
> type inference can (worst case) take exponential time which is not so 
> different from failing to terminate; so risking non-termination in type 
> inference is arguably not so bad.
> Simon

I have written code that makes heavy use of multi-parameter type
classes in the ``finally tagless'' tradition, which takes several
seconds and many megabytes of memory for GHCI to infer its type.
However, that example is rather complicated, and I am not sure its
type inference complexity is exponential---it is at least very bad.

Are there any simple, well-known examples where Haskell type inference
has exponential complexity?  Or Hindley-Milner type inference, for
that matter?  (Haskell 98 is not quite Hindley-Milner?)

Brad Larsen
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