* Martijn van Steenbergen <mart...@van.steenbergen.nl> [2009-10-14 
> Dear café,
>> {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
>> {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
>> type Void = forall a. a
>> newtype Mono a = Mono { runMono :: [Void] }
>> beep :: Mono a -> Mono a
>> beep (Mono vs) = Mono (map undefined vs)
> Compiling this with GHC results in:
>> Monotype.hs:9:28:
>>     Cannot match a monotype with `Void'
>>       Expected type: Void
>>       Inferred type: a
> What does this error mean and why does the code not compile?

It works if you annotate the type of undefined:

    beep (Mono vs) = Mono (map (undefined :: Void -> Void) vs)

Roman I. Cheplyaka :: http://ro-che.info/
"Don't let school get in the way of your education." - Mark Twain
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