Just a short note to show how the 3 evaluation orders can be written in a very symmetric manner:

o...@okmij.org wrote these as:
In call-by-name, we have
    lam f   = S . return $ (unS . f . S)

In call-by-value, we have
    lam f   = S . return $ (\x -> x >>= unS . f . S . return)

In call-by-need, we have
    lam f   = S . return $ (\x -> share x >>= unS . f . S)
These can be rewritten as
call-by-name (eta-expanded and application made visible):
   lam f     = S . return $ (\x -> unS . f . S  $ x)
call-by-value (flip)
   lam f     = S . return $ (\x -> unS . f . S . return =<< x)
call-by-need (flip)
   lam f     = S . return $ (\x -> unS . f . S =<< share x )

This pushes us to write two helper functions:
execS  :: (IO a -> IO b) -> IO a -> IO b
execS g x = g =<< share x

execM :: Monad m => (m a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
execM g x = g . return =<< x

And now, with the magic of slices, we can truly display those 3 in highly symmetric fashion:
   lam f     = S . return $ ((unS . f . S) $)
call-by-value (flip)
   lam f     = S . return $ ((unS . f . S) `execM`)
call-by-need (flip)
   lam f     = S . return $ ((unS . f . S ) `execS`)
(the redundant $ is left in to make the symmetry explicit)

And now we see the pattern:
   lam f = wrap . lift $ ((unwrap . f . wrap) `apply`)
where the names above are meant to be suggestive rather than 'actual' names.

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