{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}

module Main (main) where

import Unsafe.Coerce

data Anything

newtype Key x = Key Int deriving Eq

type Dict = [(Key Anything, Anything)]

put :: Key x -> x -> Dict -> Dict
put k' v' = raw (unsafeCoerce k') (unsafeCoerce v')
   raw k0 v0 [] = [(k0,v0)]
   raw k0 v0 ((k,v):zs)
     | k == k0   = (k0 ,v0) :           zs
     | otherwise = (k  ,v ) : raw k0 v0 zs

get :: Key x -> Dict -> Maybe x
get k' zs = unsafeCoerce (raw (unsafeCoerce k') zs)
   raw k0 [] = Nothing
   raw k0 ((k,v):zs)
     | k == k0   = Just v
     | otherwise = raw k0 zs

main = do
 let k1 = Key 1 :: Key Int
 let k2 = Key 2 :: Key Double
 let k3 = Key 3 :: Key String
 let k4 = Key 4 :: Key Bool

 let d0 = []
 let d1 = put k1  123  d0
 let d2 = put k2  123  d1
 let d3 = put k3 "123" d2
 let d4 = put k4 True  d3

 print (get k1 d4)
 print (get k2 d4)
 print (get k3 d4)
 print (get k4 d4)

Unsafe coerce, anyone?

This particular example appears to run without incident, but the GHC docs suggest that this is very... well, unsafe. (In particular, the docs claim this will fall over on function types.)

I presume there's some less-evil way of doing this?

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