On 15 okt 2009, at 16:58, Uwe Hollerbach wrote:

Hi, all, thanks for the further inputs, all good stuff to think
about... although it's going to be a little while before I can
appreciate the inner beauty of Doaitse's version! :-)

The nice thing is that you do not have to understand the inner workings ;-} I basically builds a greedy parser for each word to be recognised which can stop and assume the rest is there if it can no longer proceed (the `opt` is greedy in its left alternative) . Hence it recognises the longest possible prefix. Since my parsers pursue all alternatives in parallel you automatically get what you want, without having to indicate prefix lengths, calls to try, etc.

The "amb" combinator has type

amb :: Parser a -> Parser [a]

and collects the result from all alternatives its argument parser is constructed from; you might say it convert an ambiguous parser to a parser with a list as result, hence preventing the rest of the input being parsed over and over again. I am currently working on bringing back more abstract interpretation in the implementation (i.e. what we have had for almost 10 years in the uulib library), but I do not expect you to see a lot of that from the outside.

If you want to work with left-recursive parsers (which does not seem to be the case), you may revert to more complicated solutions such as found in the "christmastree" (Changing Haskell's Read Implementation Such That by Manipulationg Abstract Syntax Trees Read Evaluates Efficiently) package if you need to generate parsers online, or to happy-based solutions in case your grammar is fixed.

 If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask,

I had considered
the approach of doing a post-parsec verification, but decided I wanted
to keep it all inside the parser, hence the desire to match prefixes
there (and lack of desire to write 'string "p" <|> string "pr" <|>
string "pre" ...'.

By way of background, the actual stuff I'm wanting to match is not
food names, but some commands for a small ledger program I'm working
on. I needed something like that and was tired of losing data to
quicken every so often. I realize of course that there are other
excellent ledger-type programs out there, but hey, I also needed
another hacking project. I'll put this onto hackage in a while, once
it does most of the basics of what I need. No doubt the main
differentiator between mine and those other excellent ledger programs
out there will be that mine has fewer features and more bugs...

thanks again, all!


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