2009/10/16 Gregory Crosswhite <gcr...@phys.washington.edu>:
> In my humble opinion, one of the best editors for development of all time is
> Leo:
>        http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html
> Leo takes the idea of "code folding" and gives you complete control over it.
>  That is, unlike other editors which only let you fold the code inside
> if/while/for/etc. statements and which only show you an outline consisting
> of a level for files and a level for function, Leo lets you structure the
> levels of your outline arbitrarily so that you can "fold" arbitrary chunks
> of code and do things like grouping together functions and files with a
> similar purpose or implementation.  By structuring your code as an outline,
> you make it easier for others and yourself both to navigate through the code
> and also to see at a glance the high-level structure.
> Anyway, just wanted to use this opportunity to plug my favorite tool.  :-)
>  The downside about it is that the implementation sometimes feels a bit slow
> and clunky, so part of me really hopes that at the very least people will
> learn enough about this tool to take its ideas and steal them for other
> editors!
> Cheers,
> Greg

This should come as no surprise, but Emacs can do this as well.

Deniz Dogan
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