Will Ness wrote:
wren ng thornton writes:
Attack the underlying problem, don't introduce hacks to cover up broken hacks. This isn't C++.

The underlying problem is a broken scanner where it can't distinguish between a binary op and a number read syntax.

The underlying problem is that (1) people don't want "normal" whitespace to change the meaning of code, (2) they don't want to disallow negative literals, and (3) they want to use the same symbolic operator for negation and subtraction, but these three goals cannot all be satisfied simultaneously.

The current resolution is to hack at the parser in order to make things mostly work. But this hack is insufficient, as argued by the OP. The proposed solution was to introduce new syntax complicating the language by explaining how 1-2 and 1`-`2 are the same thing (either repeated for all other symbolic operators, or exceptional to the subtraction operator, and ugly by either approach). But why should we introduce all this syntactic complexity which needs explaining to newbies and only makes the wart more visible?

The proper solution is not to introduce syntactic hackery on top of the parser hackery, the proper solution is to either come up with a better parser hack or to sacrifice one of the three incompatible goals.

Not a hack, a solution. A consistent one. Look:

  (`foldl` 0)
  (`-` 2)

Don't they look exactly the same?

Not to me they don't. Symbolic and lexical operators are treated differently in Haskell. Considering all the places where they're treated differently, I see no compelling reason to think they should be considered similar here.

Live well,
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