Hello Philippos

> I received a lot of furious and offensive private emails for suggesting the 
> Clean programmer to stick with Clean.

I don't get why some people think it's OK to be disrespectful just
because they're on the internet...

Regarding the code, I find it hard to follow without some high level
comments explaining the flow. I haven't used mutable arrays yet so I
won't be any help there, but here are some minor things I noticed in
your do blocks:

Where you write code like:

> do
>    ...
>    a <- return exp1
>    b <- return exp2

i think it's better to write

> do
>    ...
>    let a = exp1
>         b = exp2

also "else do writeArray v i g" could be "else writeArray v i g" since
you don't need the implicit >> that "do" gives you

Could you highlight the line(s) of code that are different in the 2
versions of mutate?


On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 11:07 PM, Philippos Apolinarius
<phi50...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> Before anything else, I want to point out that I have no intention to 
> confront your community, or denigrate Haskell. A few days ago I answered an 
> email from a Clean programmer on something related to Clean. He was worried 
> that Clean team could give up its good work, and Clean could disappear; 
> therefore, he was thinking about switching to Haskell. Since I thought that 
> my email could be of interest for the Clean community, I posted it in the -- 
> small-- Clean list :-(Clean is not as popular as Haskell). I received a lot 
> of furious and offensive private emails for suggesting the Clean programmer 
> to stick with Clean. However, I also received a very polite, humorous, and 
> illuminating private email from a person who seems to work at Microsoft. His 
> name is Simon Peyton-Jones. He
> urged me to post my comments on a Haskell cafe. He also filed one of my 
> comments as a bug in a Haskell bug track. Here is a couple of snippets from 
> his email:
> --- I think it's v bad that a straightforward program runs so slowly, and 
> it's certainly true
> that this is an area we could pay more attention to.
> --- Meanwhile, I'm curious: are the arrays in Philippos's program strict?  Or 
> lazy?  If strict,
> that's a pretty big difference.
> Therefore, here are my comments, with a lot of code.
> A few months ago I came accross an unpublished article about a novel genetic 
> programming system. The system was coded in Larceny Scheme. I translated it 
> to Clean and to Haskell. Unhappily, I cannot post the program here because it 
> is very large, and the authors of the original Lisp program don't want me to 
> divulge it before they see in in a printed page of a Journal. Therefore, I 
> wrote an empty genetic programming framework, just to compare languages. 
> Comparing Clean and Haskell, I noticed:
> 1 -- Clean compiler almost never let me do very stupid things, like trying to 
> unbox a tree, or to write in a closed file (I will post an example of this in 
> a near future). For instance, Clean compiler would never swallow something 
> like the code below:
> import Control.Monad.ST
> import Data.Array.ST
> import Data.Array.Base
> import System.Random
> data Op = AND | OR | NOT;
> data Tree= L Double | T Op [Tree]
> main = print $ runST
>           (do arr <- newArray (1,2000000) (L 0.0) :: ST s  (STArray s Int 
> Tree)
>               go  arr 2000000 0.0 )
> go ::  STArray s Int Tree -> Int -> Double -> ST s Double
> go a i acc
>   | i < 1 = return acc
>   | otherwise=do
>                b <- unsafeRead a i {- readArray a i -}
>                writeArray a i (setDouble ((getDouble b)+3.0))
>                c <-  readArray a i
>                go  a (i-1) (acc+ (getDouble c))
> -- What I really need is a random index in Haskell.
> getDouble (L r)= r
> getDouble _ = 0.0
> setDouble r= L r
> 2 -- Safety does not cost much in Clean. For instance, removing array 
> boundary check does not seem to affect Clean. I believe that it does not 
> affect Haskell either, but I have not verified this point.
> 3 -- Haskell seems to loop more often than Clean. For instance, Haskell may 
> loop if I change function mutate to
> mutate e (L i) xs = (e, xs)
> mutate e t (y:ys) = ins t (rnLen t y, ys) where
>   ins (T p (L i:xs)) (0, st)=(T p (e:xs), st)
>   ins (T p (t:xs)) (n,(r1:rs)) | n > 0=
>     let (T p mt, s2)= ins (T p xs)(n-1, rs)
>       in (T p (t:mt), s2)
>   ins (T p (t:xs)) (n,(r1:rs))
>     | rn 2 r1== 0= (T p (e:xs), rs)
>     | rn 2 r1== 1= let (xpr, st)= mutate e t rs
>                      in (T p (xpr:xs), st)
> This might be a bug in my implementation of show Tree. It would be great if 
> you people could "show" me what I did wrong.
> 4 -- On the plus side, there are libraries in Haskell that seem to behave 
> better than the Clean equivalent libraries. This could be explained by the 
> fact that there are a lot of people coding Haskell libraries, while Clean 
> team seems to be reluctant in accepting libraries from outsiders. For 
> instance, lethevert made a very important improvement in ObjectIO (changing 
> fonts in edit text field), but it was never incorporated into Clean (yes, I 
> wrote a lot of emails to Clean  team about it). Last year, when I was 
> learning Clean, I discovered that many of my professors and teachers are 
> presbyopic. Therefore, it would be a good policy to use very large fonts for 
> homework. I only succeeded in doing it thanks to lethevert. In the case of 
> the program below, Haskell System.Random library seems to work much better 
> than Clean MersenneTwister.
> 5 --- Any improvement in the program below will be welcome. The program is 
> already very fast thanks to suggestions I received from the bug track people, 
> and from Peyton-Jones. Function "show" seems to loop if I replace mutate in 
> item 3 for mutate in the code below.
> {- ghc gp.hs -O2 --make -}
> {- Execute:  gp.exe +RTS -sstderr -}
> import Control.Monad.ST
> import Data.Array.ST
> import Data.Array.Base
> import System.Random
> data Op = AND | OR | NOT;
> data Tree= L Int | T Op [Tree]
> psz= 20000
> thr=4.0
> gates= [AND, NOT, OR]
> table= [ (False, False, False), (True, False, True),
>          (True, True, False), (False, True, True)]
> prt NOT= "NOT"
> prt OR= "OR"
> prt AND= "AND"
> instance Show Tree where
>     show (L i) = "L"++(show i)
>     show (T p xs) = (prt p)++(show xs)
> main = do
>    xs <- (rnList (1, 20000))
>    print  $ runST $ do
>       arr <- newArray_ (1,psz)  :: ST s (STArray s Int Tree)
>       (arr, xs1) <- gen0 arr psz xs
>       g1 <- evolve 30 arr (L 0) xs1; return $ g1
> gen0 a i xs = if i<=0 then return(a,xs) else do
>      (tree, rs) <- return(rndXpr gates 5 xs)
>      writeArray a i tree
>      gen0 a (i-1)  rs
> mutate e (L i) xs = (e, xs)
> mutate e t (y:ys) = ins t (rnLen t y, ys) where
>   ins (T p (L i:xs)) (0, st)=(T p (e:xs), st)
>   ins (T p (t:xs)) (n,(r1:rs)) | n > 0=
>     let (T p mt, s2)= ins (T p xs)(n-1, rs)
>       in (T p (t:mt), s2)
>   ins (T p (t:xs)) (n,(r1:rs))
>     | rn 2 r1== 0= (T p (e:xs), rs)
>     | rn 2 r1== 1= let (xpr, st)= mutate e t rs
>                      in (T p (xpr:xs), st)
> fxy NOT r= T NOT [L (rn 2 r)]
> fxy AND st = T AND [L 0, L 1]
> fxy OR  st = T OR  [L 0, L 1]
> rndXpr fs  beastSz xs= loop beastSz xs where
>   rth s r= s!!(rn (length s) r)
>   loop n (r1:r2:rs)
>      | n<1 = (fxy (rth fs r1) r1, rs)
>      |otherwise= mutate (fxy (rth fs r1) r2) f1 rs
>     where (f1, ys)=  loop (n-1) rs
> run (L 0) x y= x -- Interpreter
> run (L 1) x y= y
> run (T AND xs) x y = and [run c x y  | c <- xs]
> run (T OR xs) x y= or [run c x y | c <- xs]
> run (T NOT (t:_)) x y= not (run t x y)
> rn n r= (abs r) `rem` n
> rnLen (T _ s) r= rn (length s) r
> rnList :: (Int, Int) -> IO [Int]
> rnList r=getStdGen>>=(\x->return(randomRs r x))
> frag  (L i)  st = (L i, st)
> frag (T p xs) (r1:r2:rs)
>   | rn 2 r2==0= (xpr, rs)
>   | otherwise= frag xpr rs
>  where xpr= xs!!(rnLen (T p xs) r1)
> crossover e1 e2 rs = ([c2, c1], rs4)  where
>    (g1, rs1) = frag e1 rs
>    (g2, rs2) = frag e2 rs1
>    (c1, rs3) = mutate g1 e2 rs2
>    (c2, rs4) = mutate g2 e1 rs3
> nGates (L i)= 0.0
> nGates (T p xs) = (-0.1) + sum [nGates g | g <- xs]
> fitness tt gt = (ng + 1.0 + sum [ft t | t <- tt]) where
>    ng= nGates gt
>    ft (out, t1, t2) | run gt t1 t2 == out= 1.0
>    ft _ = 0.0
> evolve n p b xs | n < 1 = do
>    (arr, xs1) <- gen0 p psz xs
>    evolve 30 arr b xs1
> evolve n p b (r1:r2:rs) = do
>      n1 <- return $ 1+(rn psz r1)
>      n2 <- return $ 1+(rn psz r2)
>      g1 <- readArray p n1; g2 <- readArray p n2
>      ([c1,c2], rs) <- return $ crossover g1 g2 rs
>      insrt c1 p 1 psz
>      insrt c2 p 1 psz
>      res <- best 1 b p
>      fitn <- return $ fitness table res
>      if fitn > thr
>        then return res else evolve (n-1) p res rs
> best i res p | i >= psz= return res
> best i fg p= do
>   g <- readArray p i
>   if (fitness table fg) > (fitness table g)
>        then best (i+1) fg p else best (i+1) g p
> insrt g v i sz | i >= sz = return ()
> insrt g v i sz = do
>    a <- readArray v i
>    fg <- return $ fitness table g
>    fa <- return $ fitness table a
>    if fa > fg then insrt g v (i+1) sz
>      else do writeArray v i g
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