Am Donnerstag 22 Oktober 2009 04:15:56 schrieb michael rice:
> Busy night. I wanted the question and response to be on the same line (see
> below), so I used putStr instead of putStrLn, but Haskell jumps the gun and
> goes to the second line to get the response before the question ever gets
> printed. Is this an example of needing strictness? How would I do that, or
> something else, to get the result I want?
>          putStrLn "Some yes/no question (y/n)?"
>          ans <- getLine
> Michael

It's a buffering issue. For compiled code, stdout is by default set to line 
(it's different for interpreted code, at least on linux).

import System.IO

do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
   putStr "Question"
   ans <- getLine

should do what you want.
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