The workaround is for a script to traverse the filesystem and generate a
list of modules that can then be copied into the .cabal for haddock and
Setup.hs for hpc.  If anyone else is trying to do the same, here's the code:

script copied below:

import System.Directory(doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import Data.Tree(unfoldTreeM, flatten)
import Control.Monad(filterM)
import System.FilePath(splitDirectories, dropExtension, takeExtension)
import Data.List(sort, intercalate)

main :: IO ()
main = do
     paths <- modules
     putStrLn (cabal paths)
     putStrLn (hpc paths)

cabal :: [String] -> String
cabal xs = header ++ intercalate sep xs
    header = "  exposed-modules: "
    sep = ",\n  "

hpc :: [String] -> String
hpc = concatMap include
    include x = pre ++ x ++ "\""
    pre = "\n   , \"--include="

modules :: IO [String]
modules = do
     paths <- filePaths "."
     return [modName p | p <- paths, takeExtension p == ".hs"]
     modName = intercalate "." . splitDirectories . dropExtension

filePaths :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
filePaths path = do
  tree <- unfoldTreeM childPaths path
  filterM (fmap not . doesDirectoryExist) (flatten tree)

childPaths :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, [String])
childPaths dir = do
  b <- doesDirectoryExist dir
  fs <- if b then getDirectoryContents dir else return []
  return (dir, [dir ++ "/" ++ p | p <- fs, head p /= '.'])


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Greg Fitzgerald <> wrote:
> I have a cabal package that defines a few dozen modules, and I'm
> hoping to generate documentation and code coverage for all modules
> without listing each module explicitly.
> currently my .cabal includes:
> library
>  exposed-modules:
>   Language.Idl.Data,
>   Language.Idl.Merge,
>   Language.Idl.Parser,
>   ...lots more...
> my Setup.hs includes an explicit system call to hpc:
>     exec "hpc" ["markup"
>                     , "--include=Language.Idl.Data"
>                     , "--include=Language.Idl.Merge"
>                     , "--include=Language.Idl.Parser"
>                     ...all the same files as above...
>                     ]
> Questions:
> 1) Is there a way to create haddock docs for /all/ modules, instead of
> just the ones listed by 'exposed-modules'?
> 2) Is there a way to query cabal for the list of modules?  Or by
> chance has hpc recently been integrated with cabal?
> Thanks,
> Greg
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