The purpose behind the weird signature there is so that the
computations in DBus.Bus can be passed directly to mkClient. Because
of the design of dbus-client, you probably don't want to keep the
connection around separately.

    client <- mkClient getSessionBus

Here's a quick-and-dirty skeleton for sending notifications:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import DBus.Bus
import DBus.Client
import DBus.Types

-- Definition of notification object / interface
notifications = Proxy (RemoteObject
        (mkBusName' "org.freedesktop.Notifications")
        (mkObjectPath' "/org/freedesktop/Notifications"))
        (mkInterfaceName' "org.freedesktop.Notifications")

-- Callbacks; in real systems, these would probably be more complex
onError x = putStrLn ("ERROR\n\n" ++ show x ++ "\n\n")
onReturn x = putStrLn ("RETURN\n\n" ++ show x ++ "\n\n")

-- A real library might accept additional parameters
-- by the way: signature of Notify() is "susssasa{sv}i"
notify c = call' params onError onReturn where
    params = [{- build parameters for your library here -}]
    call' = call client notifications (mkMemberName' "Notify") []

main = do
    client <- mkClient getSessionBus
    notify client
    {- main loop / mvar / whatever your library uses -}

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 14:07, Max Rabkin <> wrote:
> Hi John
> I'm trying to implement a pure Haskell library for notifications (like
> libnotify). Unfortunately I don't know my way around dbus too well.
> Is there a reason for
> mkClient :: IO (Connection, BusName) -> IO Client
> instead of
> mkClient :: Connection -> IO Client
> ?
> mkClient simply discards the bus name, so in the event that one
> doesn't have a bus name, one must create a fake one. Also, it executes
> the IO action right away, so there is no need for it to take an IO
> argument. All in all, this means I must write
> getClient = mkClient (flip (,) undefined <$> getSessionConnection)
> instead of
> getClient = mkClient =<< getSessionConnection.
> Perhaps you have a good reason for it?
> Regards,
> Max
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 11:44 PM, John Millikin <> wrote:
>> These are pure-Haskell client libraries for using the D-Bus protocol.
>> D-Bus is heavily used for inter-application IPC on Free and
>> open-source desktop platforms, such as Linux, OpenSolaris, and
>> FreeBSD. These libraries allow applications written in Haskell to
>> inter-operate with other components of recent GNOME, KDE, and XFCE
>> desktops.
>> This is the first "real" release of these libraries; dbus-core has
>> been published on Hackage for some time, but mostly just to make sure
>> I got the Cabal bits right. I feel they are now stable / featureful
>> enough for public use.
>> Both are available on Hackage:
>> ---------
>> "dbus-core" is an implementation of the D-Bus protocol, specifically
>> the parts relevant to clients. Eventually, it will probably grow some
>> functions useful for implementing a message bus as well. It includes
>> type mapping / conversion, an implementation of the wire format
>> (marshaling / unmarshaling), data types for the currently defined
>> message types (METHOD_CALL, METHOD_RETURN, ERROR, and SIGNAL) and a
>> basic parser / generator for introspection documents. It is roughly
>> equivalent in purpose to libdbus.
>> By itself, a protocol implementation is somewhat cumbersome to use, so
>> "dbus-client" is a high-level wrapper. It provides some abstractions
>> like remote object proxies, exported object trees, synchronous method
>> calls, signal reception, and name reservation. Messages are received
>> and processed in separate IO threads, allowing asynchronous method
>> call and signal handling.
>> The purpose between splitting the library into two packages is
>> stability; "dbus-core", ideally, will change only rarely --
>> performance improvements, new message / data types, etc. It provides a
>> base level of functionality which more specialised libraries may use.
>> "dbus-client" is an example of what such a library could look like,
>> though for now it's not very Haskell-y (IO everywhere, exceptions,
>> explicit locking). By separating the protocol from the client libs,
>> alternative client libs can safely depend on the protocol
>> implementation.
>> ---------
>> To see a sample of the library working, there's a clone of the
>> "dbus-monitor" utility in <dbus-core/Examples>. Documentation is
>> currently a bit lacking, so for now, the best documentation is the PDF
>> of the source code itself, and the (rather barren) Haddock output:
>> Once more people have used it without any major API issues, I'll write
>> up a manual and populate the Haddock entries.
>> Please respond with any feedback, difficulties, or suggestions. I'm
>> particularly interested in ways to improve the public API, since I
>> would rather make any breaking changes *before* anything big depends
>> on these libraries.
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