On 9 Nov 2009, at 16:47, Eduard Sergeev wrote:

Andy Gimblett-2 wrote:
Possibly. Care to expand? If you have a more elegant solution, which
fits in well with ordinary wxHaskell, I'd be interested.

I believe there are a few experimental frameworks built on top of wxHaskell
which use Functional Reactive Programming, like
http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Phooey Phooey . They seem to be more
ellegant, but probably less practical for now since they are still
experimental. I just thought that FRP is more suitable for Haskell but
probably in case of wxHaskell it is not a case. Sorry if it was off topic.

In that case, I am 100% in agreement with you. :-) I do look forward to using such technology in the future...


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