Actually, I just solved the problem... I think...

In my original code, I had the newtype:

  newtype FilterState t => Filter t a = Filter (ContextMatch t a)
deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadReader Email, MonadState Bool, MonadIO)

I was trying to confirm that it actually was the `deriving ... MonadState Bool ...` part that was causing the problem, and then I realized, it's not `MonadState Bool` I want, it's `MonadState t`.

Upon changing that, everything compiles fine and ghc hums along happily.

Should I still submit a bug report for a bad error message?


On Nov 12, 2009, at 12:58 PM, Joe Fredette wrote:

Okay, so -- I feel totally awesome -- I never found a GHC bug before... and a Haskell Celebrity responded to my post! *swoons* :)

Serious question now, There's a fair amount of definitely irrelevant code (like the definition of the `Email` type, etc), should I post that in the report too (assuming it doesn't work in 6.12 or I can't get 6.12 working to try it)?



On Nov 12, 2009, at 4:07 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| [1 of 3] Compiling Network.HackMail.Email.ParseEmail ( Network/
| HackMail/Email/ParseEmail.hs, interpreted )
| [2 of 3] Compiling Network.HackMail.Email.Email ( Network/HackMail/
| Email/Email.hs, interpreted )
| [3 of 3] Compiling Network.HackMail.Filter.Filter ( Network/ HackMail/
| Filter/Filter.hs, interpreted )
| *** Exception: No match in record selector Var.tcTyVarDetails

This is a bug in GHC without a doubt.

It's possible that it's fixed in 6.12 -- can you try the release candidate? If it is not fixed, or if it's too hard for you to try, can you submit a Trac bug report please? (Include your code, and instructions for how to reproduce.



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