Am Sonntag 22 November 2009 19:24:48 schrieb Michael Snoyman:
> Hi all,
> I've come across some code I just can't figure out how to write
> appropriately. Below is a silly example that demonstrates what I'm trying
> to do. I don't really have the appropriate vocabulary to describe the
> issue, so I'll let the code speak for itself. In particular, I'm trying to
> understand what the correct type signatures for unwrapMyData and bin should
> be.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> ---
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
> class Monad m => MonadFoo x m where
>     foo :: x -> m a
> data MyData a = forall i. Integral i => MyLeft i
>               | MyRight a
> instance Monad MyData where
>     return = MyRight
>     (MyLeft i) >>= _ = MyLeft i
>     (MyRight x) >>= f = f x
> instance Integral i => MonadFoo i MyData where
>     foo = MyLeft
> bar :: MonadFoo Int m => Int -> m String
> bar 0 = return "zero"
> bar i = foo i
> baz :: String -> MyData String
> baz "zero" = MyRight "Zero"
> baz _ = MyLeft (-1 :: Integer)
> --This works: unwrapMyData (MyLeft i) = foo (fromIntegral i :: Integer)
> unwrapMyData (MyLeft i) = foo i -- This is what I'd like to work

I don't see how it could (except perhaps...). The type would be

unwrapMyData ::(forall i. (Integral i => MonadFoo i m)) => MyData a -> m a

- the MyData a -> m a part is obviously necessary, but MyLeft can wrap *any* 
type, so you indeed need instances MonadFoo i m for *every* integral type. You 
specify that condition in Haskell.

You could try

instance MonadFoo a [] where
    foo _ = []

instance MonadFoo a Maybe where
    foo _ = Nothing

(more general,
instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadFoo a m where
    foo _ = mzero

unwrapMyData :: (MonadPlus m) => MyData a -> m a

that might be got to work, but it's very likely not even remotely what you want
(unwrapMyData :: MyData a -> [a] would work with the above instance, I think, 
but it would 
be rather pointless).

> unwrapMyData (MyRight a) = return a
> bin i = do
>     a <- bar i

You must specify which instance of MonadFoo to use here, otherwise it is 
impossible to 
determine which instance of bar to use, and the type of bin is irredeemably 
(show . read).

>     b <- unwrapMyData $ baz a
>     return $ b ++ "!!!"
> instance Show a => MonadFoo a IO where
>     foo = fail . show -- I know, it's horrible...
> main = do
>     res <- bin 0
>     putStrLn res

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