I censored it because I intend the HWN to be a PG rated article. I figure -- while I am not under any delusion that kids these days have mouths fouler than mine, which is a feat for sure -- that some young programmer with strict speaking morals may stumble upon the HWN and say,

"Hey self! This is a fantastically written weekly newsletter concerning recent developments in this community, and did I mention how wonderfully
 written it is?"

I should want said programmer to not feel any offense that can be easily avoided by a single * here or !...@#$ there.

Generally I'm opposed to censorship -- but that generally entails an authority censoring against the will of the author, I think that in this case -- as I am the author/editor (not of the post proper, but rather the conduit to the post) -- that censorship-self-inflicted doesn't really count.

I guess my view is that such a paper with an unintentionally foul- mouthed name -- like Brainf*ck -- ought not be the reason for which your paper is rejected from a journal or other publication source, but rather it should be understood that it might be mildly censored (as I did) if it is publish, in accordance with the intended audience of the publication source.


On Nov 23, 2009, at 9:35 PM, Benjamin L.Russell wrote:

On Sat, 21 Nov 2009 12:14:29 -0800 (PST), jfred...@gmail.com wrote:

 Typef*ck: Brainf*ck in the type system. Johnny Morrice [23]showed us
 his implementation of everyone's favorite profane programming
 language... in the type system.

Incidentally, I've always wondered about the politically correct way
of referring to this programming language (and related implementation
in the above-mentioned type system) in academic circles; if I were
writing a paper for submission to an academic journal, should I place
priority on accuracy or propriety?  In general, for what kinds of
publications should I prioritize one criterion over the other?

In general, if a programming language-related term contains what is
generally regarded as a profane word as a component, for what kinds of
written material should I prioritize accuracy vs. propriety?

-- Benjamin L. Russell
Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
Translator/Interpreter / Mobile:  +011 81 80-3603-6725
"Furuike ya, kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto."
-- Matsuo Basho^
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