
I'm pleased to announce the first release of my program package-vt. It's
role is to detect changes between two versions of package that should cause
version bump.

Recommended versioning policy for Haskell packages is on the wiki [1].

The ultimate goal is to get as good approximation of the algorithm specified
there as possible. Currently the tool is far from being complete: it only
detects changes to exports in .cabal and module files, but doesn't take any
types into consideration, not to mention other possible heuristics.

This tool is not meant as a replacement for developer's own brain. It can
only detect a subset of changes, and there will always be some important
changes it won't catch, like adding such line:
head (_:y:_) = y

However, it can be used for some quality checks.

Thing that needs improving is user interface. No options are currently
accepted. This, and a lot more, will change in future versions.

You can find a Git repo here [2]. The repo contains 'tests' directory with
two useful scripts. You can use them to run package-vt on anything from
Here are a few random usage examples:

1) Detect small change within module

package-vt packages/HCL/1.1/HCL-1.1/HCL.cabal
Single changes:
ChangeABC : Entity added to module ModuleName "HCL"
EVar (UnQual (Ident "prompt1"))

Biggest change comes from:
ChangeABC : Entity added to module ModuleName "HCL"
EVar (UnQual (Ident "prompt1"))

2) Detect new module added to .cabal

package-vt 0.2.0/AERN-Net-0.2.0/AERN-Net.cabal
Single changes:
ChangeABC : Entity added to module ModuleName
EThingAll (UnQual (Ident "ERProcessAction"))

---ChangeABC : Module(s) added.(Consider AB change if new modules are likely
to cause name collisions)

Biggest change comes from:
ChangeABC : Module(s) added.(Consider AB change if new modules are likely to
cause name collisions)


3) Using testing script: package-vt correctly detects that AERN-RnToRM-0.4.9
should rather be 0.5.0 because the module
has been removed.

./test-on-package.lhs AERN-RnToRm
>>> Testing package-vt on AERN-RnToRm-0.4.2 and AERN-RnToRm-0.4.9
Parse error: VarSym "#" : SrcLoc {srcFilename =
srcLine = 174, srcColumn = 1}
Single changes:
ChangeABC : Entity added to module ModuleName "Data.Number.ER.RnToRm.Approx"
EVar (UnQual (Ident "keyPointsConsistencyCheck"))
EVar (UnQual (Ident "keyPointsPointwiseConsistencyCheck"))

---ChangeABC : Entity added to module ModuleName
EVar (UnQual (Ident "keyPointsConsistencyCheck"))
EVar (UnQual (Ident "keyPointsPointwiseConsistencyCheck"))

---ChangeAB : Module(s) removed/renamed.

Biggest change comes from:
ChangeAB : Module(s) removed/renamed.



In case of any trouble please email me or report an issue here [3].
In the near future I'll post more specific plans about development on my
blog [4].

I hope you will find it useful.

Best regards,

Krzysztof Skrzętnicki

[1] http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Package_versioning_policy
[2] http://github.com/Tener/haskell-package-vt
[3] http://github.com/Tener/haskell-package-vt/issues
[4] http://mostlycode.wordpress.com
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