Excerpts from Jose Iborra's message of Sun Nov 29 10:41:50 -0500 2009:
> There is indeed an Monad instance for Either in mtl,
> declared in the module Control.Monad.Error.
> I can't explain why your compiler cannot find it.
> Can you paste a blurb of code somewhere?

    {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, FlexibleContexts #-}

    import "mtl" Control.Monad.Error
    import Control.Monad.Failure
    import Control.Monad.Failure.MTL

    data MyError = MyError String
    instance Error MyError where
        strMsg = MyError

    failureFunction :: MonadFailure MyError m => Integer -> m Integer
    failureFunction 0 = failure $ MyError "Cannot use zero"
    failureFunction n = return (n - 1)

    -- instantiate
    eitherFunction :: Either MyError Integer
    eitherFunction = failureFunction 23

Which results in:

        No instance for (MonadFailure MyError (Either MyError))
          arising from a use of `failureFunction' at either.hs:17:17-34
        Possible fix:
          add an instance declaration for
          (MonadFailure MyError (Either MyError))
        In the expression: failureFunction 23
        In the definition of `eitherFunction':
            eitherFunction = failureFunction 23

> You need to import Control.Monad.Failure.MTL in order to bring the MTL
> instances into scope.
> The reason for this is that we provide instances both for MTL and transformers
> in the same 
> package. These have to live in different modules to avoid a conflict due to 
> the
> duplicated 
> monad instance for Either.

Great, that fixed it!  Where is this documented, or is this one of those 
that I'm supposed to know about? ;-)

> Very likely. Existing error handling packages such as control-monad-exception
> and attempt
> already provide this feature to convert other error forms into their specific
> error types.
> If this can be abstracted cleanly for a generic form of failure,
> then I would definitely support including it in control-monad-failure.

I was thinking about this, and I think the answer is basically yes, especially
if we assume that we're dealing with the monads Error e => Either e or
Either String which cover a big swath (most specifically Parsec, which I care
about).  This is very much a "encylopedia" style problem.

I don't know if Haskell is powerful enough to get us the ability to have
such conversions be transparent though.

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