
It helps if you think of John as having already won in this discussion, since 
he succeeded in getting a lengthy high-noise emotional reaction from us.  :-)


On Dec 4, 2009, at 10:00 AM, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:09 PM, John D. Earle <> wrote:
> See "[Haskell-cafe] Optimization with Strings ?" for background.
> Don Stewart wrote, "the guarantees of purity the type system provides are 
> extremely
> useful for verification purposes". My response to this is in theory. This is 
> what caught my attention initially, but the language lacks polish and does 
> not appear to be going in a direction where it shows signs where it will 
> self-correct. It may even be beyond repair. I care about others and I don't 
> want people to be misled.
> I am already well aware of the numbers. They do not impress me. I have 
> written on this already. I have given Haskell the benefit of the doubt and 
> said, What's wrong with being uncompromising? There is something wrong with 
> it, if it has taken you off the path of truth. This is not uncompromising. 
> This is something else. It is called fanaticism and this is the opinion that 
> I have come to after due consideration.
> If you are going to argue your case, be constructive. Tell me how the type 
> system is not flawed and how the Haskell language is rigorous. What proof do 
> you have of this? Explain to me how Haskell has been merely uncompromising in 
> its pursuit of perfection and did not manage to step over the threshold into 
> fanaticism. Please remain on topic and on point. 
> I honestly don't understand what your beef is. Could you explain what you 
> mean with some specifics? In what way does Haskell lack polish? What makes 
> you think it's not going in a direction where it will self correct?
> What's the "path of truth" and in what way is Haskell not on it? 
> I would very much appreciate if you could try to explain what you mean using 
> specific examples. I read the other thread and the post of yours didn't 
> really seem to make much sense to me there either.
> -- 
> Sebastian Sylvan
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