On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Jeremy Shaw <jer...@n-heptane.com> wrote:
> I have stripped things down to the bare minimum, and test under GHC 6.10,
> GHC 6.12, Linux, and Mac OS X. Results are consistent.
> In the following code,
>  1. if you load the code into ghci and evaluate e it will hang, but
> (defaultValueD dict) :: Expression returns fine
>  2. if you change the gunfold instance for Proposition to, error "gunfold"
> it stops hanging -- even though this code is never called.
>  3. if you change, ( Data ctx [Expression], Sat (ctx Expression) => Data ctx
> Expression, to (Data ctx Expression, ....) => ... it stops hanging.
> If someone could explain why each of these cases perform as they do, that
> would be awesome! Right now it is a big mystery to me.. e calls dict .. and
> there is only one instance of dict available, which should call error right
> away. I can't see how something could get in the way there...

It's less of a mystery if you think about the actual dictionaries ghc
uses to implement typeclasses.
The instance for Data ctx [a] depends on Data ctx a, so by requiring
Data ctx [Expression] in the Data ctx Expression instance you're
indeed making a loop there, though typeclasses do allow this, and the
implementation has to be lazy enough to permit it.
Strange that with a direct Data ctx Expression => Data ctx Expression
loop we don't get the same problem.
The reason the implementation of Proposition's gunfold matters is
probably that k gets passed the dictionary for Data DefaultD
Expression at the site of its call and some optimization is making it
stricter than necessary.

Looks like we need a ghc dev here to fully unravel the mystery, in the
meantime i'll try to reduce the test case even further.
> - jeremy
> {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances,
> MultiParamTypeClasses, UndecidableInstances, RankNTypes,
> ScopedTypeVariables, KindSignatures, EmptyDataDecls,
> NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
> module Main where
> import qualified Data.Data as Data
> import Data.Typeable
> --- syb-with-class
> data Constr = Constr deriving (Eq, Show)
> data Proxy (a :: * -> *)
> class Sat a where
>    dict :: a
> class (Typeable a, Sat (ctx a)) => Data ctx a where
>     gunfold :: Proxy ctx
>             -> (forall b r. Data ctx b => c (b -> r) -> c r)
>             -> (forall r. r -> c r)
>             -> Constr
>             -> c a
> instance (Sat (ctx [a]),Data ctx a) => Data ctx [a]
> --- Default
> class (Data DefaultD a) => Default a where
>    defaultValue :: a
> data DefaultD a = DefaultD { defaultValueD :: a }
> instance Default t => Sat (DefaultD t) where
>    dict = error "Sat (DefaultD t) not implemented"
> instance Default a => Default [a] where
>    defaultValue = error "Default [a] not implemented"
> --- Trouble
> data Proposition = Proposition Expression  deriving (Show, Data.Data,
> Typeable)
> data Expression = Conjunction Expression deriving (Show, Data.Data,
> Typeable)
> -- instance (Sat (ctx [Expression]), Sat (ctx Expression), Sat (ctx
> Proposition)) => Data ctx Proposition where
> instance Data DefaultD Proposition  where
>    gunfold _ k z c = k (z Proposition)
> --    gunfold _ k z c = error "gunfold"
> instance Default Proposition
> -- Change Data ctx [Expression] to Data ctx Expression and main works.
> instance ( Data ctx [Expression]
>         , Sat (ctx Expression)
>         ) => Data ctx Expression
> instance Default Expression
> e :: Expression
> e = defaultValueD (dict :: DefaultD Expression)
> main = print e
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