So I decided to try out the Haskell Platform instead of just installing GHC directly. To be honest, I didn't really notice much difference, except for the files being installed in a different place. But then, initially HP ~= GHC; presumably the plan is for it to grow as time goes on.

Anyway, I'm sure you can all see where I'm going with this: Latest Gtk2hs binary for Windows doesn't seem to like the latest HP installation.

A few things:

- It is unclear to be which Gtk2hs binaries require which GHC version. Can we tabulate this information somewhere?

- It is also unclear to me which HP versions contain what stuff. The HP page tells you all about the *current* HP version, and contains a link to a raw directory listing for the older versions. (I especially love the way the server truncates the filenames to just before where the version number starts. Very helpful. :-D ) Can we get propper descriptions for _all_ releases of HP? A table summarising the GHC version and major packages/versions in each release would be nice.

- Any idea why the HP says "beta" on it?

- Apart from HP providing GHC 6.10.4 while Gtk2hs currently requires 6.10.3, it appears that the Gtk2hs installer package doesn't like GHC being installed in a path with spaces. Apparently Gtk2hs has a bug tracker. (I only just discovered this, so perhaps it needs to be more prominent?) Somebody pointed out this bug 6 months ago. Somebody else posted a potential fix a month ago. There is no visible activity from the developers. (I emphasize "visible". Maybe they've seen this and they're working on it, but there's no visible indication of activity.)

Gtk2hs is currently the *only* GUI binding that actually works on Windows. It's always been slightly frustrating that every time a new version of GHC comes out, us Windows users have to beg for somebody to build a new binary. (Linux users, on the other hand, can just download the sources and compile them with any compiler they like.) Presumably going forward Gtk2hs will synchronise to the (less frequent) HP releases rather than the individual GHC releases, so many this particular frustration will be reduced. (It would be even less frustrating if Gtk2hs was *in* HP, but I gather this won't ever happen.)

Of course, being able to actually build C bindings on Windows would be even better, but this is apparently infeasible... :-( That being the case, I'll settle for just a little bit more documentation.

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