One obvious rule is that
can be mapped to
and vice versa, but that
must be left alone.

As for ok_URL, this is a good example of why mixing styles
isn't so good.  To comply with baStudlyCaps style, it should
have been okURL in the first place.  (Why do people call
baStudly syle "camel"?  Is there somewhere in the world a
species of camel with three or four humps, like

On Dec 17, 2009, at 3:55 AM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

Am Mittwoch 16 Dezember 2009 15:12:31 schrieb Colin Paul Adams:
I tried it.
I'm not all that happy with the resulting uncameling.

For instance,


I'd expect Database.Haskell_DB.Sql.Postgre_SQL


would that be preferred as




<lower><upper><lower> -> <lower>_<lower><lower>
<lower><upper>              -> <lower>_<upper> otherwise

There is of course a conceptually simple way to deal with packages
that export identifiers in mixed styles, and that is to create
wrappers that re-export the identifiers in a consistent style.

As far as I'm concerned, hspp is a tool that lets me write and
maintain stuff the way I like it and export it for others to use.
(Not that this has happened yet, others are so much better at
coming up with great stuff...)  If the exported version doesn't
work, that means there's a mistake in the original version.
It's _nice_ that GHC lets me use -F, but GHC isn't the only compiler
in town.

By the way, the current design for the readability experiment
 - third year students (because that's what I can get)
 - three short programs, one written with no compound names (A)
   and the other two in both underscore (BU, CU) and baStudly
   (BB, CB) style.
 - each student reads A, BU, CB
                   or A, BB, CU
                   or A, CU, BB
                   or A, CB, BU
   in the usual sort of Latin-squarey way
   and answers some comprehension questions, with times recorded.
 - age, language spoken at home, previous experience as demographics.
Advice and recommendations for the short programs will be gratefully
received, but the programs should probably be in an imperative language
that isn't one the students are familiar with, maybe Pascal or Ada.

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