Thanks everyone,
Thanks Daniel for this really detailed explanation - thank you very much.


>From: Daniel Fischer <>
>Cc: CK Kashyap <>
>Sent: Thu, January 7, 2010 4:16:33 PM
>Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Review request for my permutations implementation
>Am Donnerstag 07 Januar 2010 09:37:42 schrieb CK Kashyap:
>> Hi All,
>> I've written this piece of code to do permutations -
>> perms :: String -> [String]
>Nothing in the algorithm needs the list elements to be Chars, there's no type 
>class involved, so it should be
>perms :: [a] -> [[a]]
>> perms []= []
>This should actually be
>perms [] = [[]]
>> perms (x:[])= [[x]]
>That is then superfluous.
>> perms (x:xs)= concat (f [x] (perms xs))
>'f' is a good name for a function parameter, not for a top level binding.
>Why not
>perms (x:xs) = concat (map (spread [x]) (perms xs))
>whcih you can reformulate as
>perms (x:xs) = concatMap (spread [x]) (perms xs)
>or, if you like Monads, since concatMap is just the bind operator of the 
>perms (x:xs) = perms xs >>= spread [x]
>Which can be written as a simple do-block:
>perms (x:xs) = do
>prm <- perms xs
>spread [x] prm
>or a list-comprehension
>perms (x:xs) = [permutation | tailPerm <- perms xs, permutation <- spread [x] 
>> spread :: String -> String -> [String] -- interpolate first string at
>> various positions of second string spread str1 str2 = _spread str1 str2
>> (length str2)
>> where
>> _spread str1 str2 0= [str1 ++ str2]
>> _spread str1 str2 n= [(take n str2) ++ str1 ++ (drop n str2)] ++ (_spread
>> str1 str2 (n-1))
>import Data.List
>spread short long = zipWith (\a b -> a ++ short ++ b) (inits long) (tails long)
>If you only use spread for perms, you never interpolate anything but single 
>element lists, so you might consider
>spread' :: a -> [a] -> [[a]]
>spread' x xs = zipWith (\a b -> a ++ x:b) (inits xs) (tails xs)
>But if you import Data.List, you could also say
>perms = permutations
>and be done with it :) (except if you 1. need the permutations in a particular 
>order, which is different from the one Data.List.permutations generates, or 2. 
>you need it to be as fast as possible - Data.List.permutations was written to 
>also cope with infinite lists, so a few things that could speed up generation 
>of permutations for short lists couldn't be used).
>> f xs = map (spread xs)
>> The number of outcomes seem to indicate that correctness of the algo ..
>Apart from the case of empty input, it is correct.
>> however, I'd be very obliged if I could get some feedback on the
>> Haskellness etc of this ... also any performance pointers ...
>Re performance:
>I think the repeated (take k) and (drop k) in your spread are likely to be 
>slower than using inits and tails, but it would need measuring the performance 
>to be sure.
>I don't see anything that would automatically give bad performance.
>But there's the question of repeated elements.
>perms "aaaaabbbbb"
>spills out 3628800 permutations, but there are only 252 distinct permutations, 
>each of them appearing 120^2 = 14400 times.
>If your input may contain repeated elements and you're
>1. only interested in the distinct permutations (and 2.) or
>2. don't care about the order in which the permutations are generated,
>distinctPerms :: Ord a => [a] -> [[a]]
>distinctPerms = foldr inserts [[]] . group . sort
>inserts :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
>inserts xs yss = yss >>= (mingle xs)
>mingle :: [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
>mingle xs [] = [xs]
>mingle [] ys = [ys]
>mingle xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) 
>= [x:zs | zs <- mingle xs yys] ++ [y:zs | zs <- mingle xxs ys]
>generates the distinct permutations much faster if there are many repeated 
>if you want each distinct permutation repeated the appropriate number of 
>times, the modification is easy.
>> Regards,
>> Kashyap

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