Daniel Fischer wrote:
> Why has
> mergeSP (a,b) ~(c,d)
>    = let (bc,b') = spMerge b c in (a ++ bc, merge b' d)
> a memory leak, but
> mergeSP (a,b) ~(c,d)
>    = let (bc,m) = spMerge' b c d in (a ++ bc, m)
> not?
> Well, looking at the core for mergeSP, the fog clears somewhat. The former 
> is translated roughly to 
> mergeSP (a,b) pair
>    = let sm = spMerge b (fst pair) 
>      in (a ++ fst sm, merge (snd sm) (snd pair))
> It holds on to the pair until the result of the merge is demanded, that is 
> until the entire (a ++ fst sm) is consumed. Only then is the pair released 
> and can be collected. On top of that, as soon as a is consumed and (fst sm) 
> [or bc] is demanded, spMerge forces the evaluation of (fst pair) [c]. After 
> a few levels, the evaluated list will take more space than the thunk. It 
> cannot yet be collected, because pair is still alive. The elements have to 
> be duplicated for (fst sm), because they're intertwined with those of b.
> On the next level of merging, they have to be duplicated again.
> The latter is translated roughly to
> mergeSP (a,b) pair
>    = let sm = spMerge' b (fst pair) (snd pair)
>      in (a ++ fst sm, snd sm)
> The pair is released as soon as the result of the spMerge' is demanded, 
> that is, when a is consumed. Then the elements of (fst pair) need not be 
> duplicated and they can be discarded almost immediately after they have 
> been produced [for small primes, multiples of larger primes live a little 
> longer, but those are fewer].
> So, no duplication, shorter lifespan => no leak.
> Having seen that, the question is, why can't the compiler see that 
> deconstructing the pair when the first component is needed is better? The 
> first component of the pair is used in no other place, so keeping the pair 
> can't have any advantage, can it?

Tricky stuff. It is known that pairs/records are prone to unwanted
retention, see for example the recent thread



  Jan Sparud. Fixing some space leaks without a garbage collector.

It is exactly because these troubles that I'm advocating the original
VIP data structure that buries the dorks (that name is awesome :D) deep
inside the structure. :)

In any case, it appears to me that the lazy pattern match in  mergeSP
is actually unnecessary! This is because  mergeSP  returns a pair
constructor immediately, so infinite nesting works even when the second
argument is demanded. In other words,

  mergeSP :: Integral a => People a -> People a -> People a
  mergeSP (P a b) (P c d) = P (a ++ bc) (merge b' d)
        P bc b' = spMerge b c
        spMerge [] ys = P [] ys
        spMerge xs [] = P [] xs
        spMerge xs@(x:xt) ys@(y:yt) = case compare x y of
                LT -> celebrate x (spMerge xt ys)
                EQ -> celebrate x (spMerge xt yt)
                GT -> celebrate y (spMerge xs yt)

should work fine and do away with the memory issue because the pair is
now deconstructed immediately.

Hm, a strict second argument might however mean that the tree produced
by  tfold  is demanded too early.

> And why does
> tfold f (a: ~(b: ~(c:xs))) = ...
> leak, but not
> tfold f (a:b:c:xs) = ...
> ?
> I guess it's similar.
> tfold f (a: ~(b: ~(c:xs))) 
>    = (a `f` (b `f` c)) `f` tfold f ([pairwise f] xs)
> is
> tfold f (a:zs) 
>    = (a `f` (head zs `f` (head $ tail zs))) 
>         `f` tfold f (pairwise f $ drop 2 zs)
> the latter part holds on to the beginning of zs, leading again to data 
> duplication and too long lifespans.

Same issue with retaining pairs while only the components are needed.

Ideally, we ought to be able to "couple" the two components, i.e. the
idea is that  tail zs  is reduced to a pointer to the tail whenever
head zs  is demanded and vice versa. I think that's what Sparud does in
his paper, not sure how well it's implemented in GHC, I vaguely remember
a bug reports. Alternatively, retaining  zs  in any way might already be
too much.

Heinrich Apfelmus


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