Formlets themselves don't require a server. You can use them from the 
commandline. However, formlets do have a limitation: they are not interactive. 
I would really like a library that does something like formlets (compositional 
web forms) but with a FRP-style of writing. A contrived example:

Suppose I have a page with a label that displays a number, and a slider. When I 
change the slider, the number in the label has to change accordingly.

The example above is currently not possible with formlets.


On 20 jan 2010, at 18:30, Colin Paul Adams wrote:

>>>>>> "Günther" == Günther Schmidt <> writes:
>    Günther> My question is: do formlets only work server based or is it
>    Günther> also possible to use formlet sans happs?
> Yes (I think) and yes.
> -- 
> Colin Adams
> Preston Lancashire
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