I've just released ThreadScope version 0.1 on Hackage. Threadscope is a 
graphical utility for viewing profiling information about Haskell threads. It 
was written jointly with Simon Marlow and Donnie Jones. It uses Gtk2HS so it 
works under Windows and the L-word operating system although there seem to be 
problems making it work with OS-X (due to Gtk2Hs issues I think).

$ cabal install threadscope

You may need to do cabal update to update your packages list. On Windows 
operating systems you may need to issue the command from a shell that is 
running with administrative privileges.


*         Web page: http://research.microsoft.com/threadscope

*          Parallel Performance Tuning for 
Haskell<http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=80976> (paper 
at Haskell Symposium 2009)

Please let me know if you have any problems. Also, please do let us know about 
your experience with ThreadScope and in particular about accounts of how you 
used ThreadScope to shed light on parallel performance bugs. If I get enough 
feedback I may collate the responses into an experience report or paper for 
ICFP or the Haskell Symposium. Thank you kindly. Enjoy!



Satnam Singh
7 JJ Thomson Avenue
United Kingdom

Email: satn...@microsoft.com<mailto:satn...@microsoft.com>
UK tel: +44 1223 479905
Fax: +44 1223 479 999
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URL: http://research.microsoft.com/~satnams
Live Messenger: sat...@raintown.org<mailto:sat...@raintown.org>

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