Am Mittwoch 10 Februar 2010 18:16:42 schrieb Limestraël:
> Neil Brown-7 wrote:
> > Don't you simply need to do what the error message says, and add (*in
> > the Executable section*, at the end of the file):
> Nope, just check my previous message (my issue (2)):

I think 
might help, example 3, a package containing a library and executable 

Name:            TestPackage
Version:         0.0
Cabal-Version:   >= 1.2
License:         BSD3
Author:          Angela Author
Synopsis:        Package with library and two programs
Build-Type:      Simple

  Build-Depends:   HUnit
  Exposed-Modules: A, B, C

Executable program1
  Main-Is:         Main.hs
  Hs-Source-Dirs:  prog1
  Other-Modules:   A, B

Executable program2
  Main-Is:         Main.hs
  Hs-Source-Dirs:  prog2
  Other-Modules:   A, C, Utils

For the executable, you have to specify the source dirs and the modules 
*from the library you are developing* it needs.
A little inconvenient, admittedly.

> Limestrael wrote:
> > (2) well, then, when building, if I don't specify that my executable
> > depends on my lib, I got:
> > SFML/Direct/Graphics.hs:51:7:
> >     Could not find module `SFML.Direct.Types.Enums':
> >       It is a member of the hidden package `HSFML-1.5'.
> >       Perhaps you need to add `HSFML' to the build-depends in your
> > .cabal file.
> >       it is a hidden module in the package `HSFML-1.5'
> >       Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
> >
> > and if I do what it asks me to do (to add the line 'Build-Depends: 
> > HSFML' in the 'Executable' section of my .cabal file), I'm told when
> > 'cabal build'ing:
> > cabal: internal error: could not construct a valid install plan.
> > The proposed (invalid) plan contained the following problems:
> > The following packages are involved in a dependency cycle HSFML-1.5

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