-- {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies#-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Register where
-- class Register a r | a -> r
class Register a where
    type R a
-- instance Register Int Int
instance Register Int where
    type R Int = Int
-- instance Register Float Float
instance Register Float where
    type R Float = Float
-- instance (Register a1 r1, Register a2 r2) => Register (a1, a2) (r1, r2)
instance (Register a, Register b) => Register (a, b) where
    type R (a, b) = (R a, R b)

On 12 Feb 2010, at 00:32, Henning Thielemann wrote:

I have the following class and instance

 class Register a r | a -> r where

 instance (Register a ra, Register b rb) =>
    Register (a,b) (ra,rb) where

and GHC refuses the instance because of violated Coverage Condition.
I have more instances like

 instance Register Int8  (Reg Int8)  where
 instance Register Word8 (Reg Word8) where

and for the set of instances I plan, the instance resolution will always terminate. I remember that the term 'undecidable instance' is not fixed and may be relaxed if a more liberal condition can be found. Is there a place, say a Wiki page, where we can collect examples where we think that the current check of GHC is too restrictive?
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