On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:53 AM, Kevin Jardine <kevinjard...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm a Haskell newbie but long time open source developer and I've been 
> following this thread with some interest.
> The GPL is not just a license - it is a form of social engineering and social 
> contract. The idea if I use the GPL is that I am releasing free and open 
> source software to the community. You are welcome to use it for any purpose 
> but in exchange you must also agree to release any software you create that 
> uses my software as free and open source.
> That is the difference between GPL and BSD type licenses. The GPL very 
> deliberately creates an obligation. Yes, that can be inconvenient. It is 
> meant to be inconvenient.
> Actually the GPL reminds me of a Haskell concept that I am struggling with 
> right now - the monad. When I started writing Haskell code I was always 
> trying to mix pure and IO code and I soon learned that once I used the IO 
> monad I was stuck within it. The monad creates an inconvenient obligation and 
> any IO code can only be used within other IO code. There are good reasons for 
> monads (just as, in my view, there are good reasons for the GPL) but using 
> them means that I need to make a lot of changes to the way I write software.

Sure.  You can put a GPL license on any software:

license :: a -> GPL a

And if you could have used some public domain package 'a' to create
some GPL'd software, then you can use the GPL'd 'a' to create that
same software.

usage :: (a -> GPL b) -> GPL a -> GPL b


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