On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:42 PM, wren ng thornton <w...@freegeek.org>wrote:

> David Leimbach wrote:
>> Note that foldl' has a ' to indicate that it's not the same as foldl
>> exactly.  I would propose that sum' exist as well as sum, and that sum be
>> lazy.
> I wish Haskell allowed ! to occur (non-initially) in alphanum_' identifiers
> as well as in symbolic ones. Then we could be more consistent about having !
> mean strictness like it does with ($!), bang patterns, strict fields,...
> (too bad about (!) and (!!)). The prime has so many other uses, it's a shame
> it gets used up for strict/lazy variants, as if there were no other
> variations.
Yes, a lot of conventions don't always make sense in certain contexts, but
at least the convention is there to help keep things consistent (for better
or worse)


> --
> Live well,
> ~wren
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