On 07/04/2010, at 07:33, Nicolas Frisby wrote:

> I haven't been able to find it via Google or Haddock. An old message
> suggests is was just a matter of exceptions?

I don't think that's correct. You can implement unsafePerformIO in terms 

unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO p = runST (unsafeIOToST p)

In fact, the only safe-ish use for it I have found is to use Storable-related 
functions in ST, hoping that the instances don't actually use any real IO 
functionality. Arguably, this shouldn't be necessary as Storable should live in 
ST anyway.

> I only want to use the IO for generating Data.Uniques to pair with
> STRefs in order to make a map of them. I'm guessing this would be a
> safe use since it's exception free (... right?).

It's hard to tell without looking at your code. But if you are generating 
Uniques in ST then it's probably unsafe:

foo :: () -> Unique
foo _ = runST (unsafeIOToST newUnique)

What's the value of foo ()?


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