Yves Parès wrote:
> I answered my own question by reading this monad-prompt example:
> http://paste.lisp.org/display/53766
> But one issue remains: those examples show how to make play EITHER a human
> or an AI. I don't see how to make a human player and an AI play SEQUENTIALLY
> (to a TicTacToe, for instance).

A useful idea is to turn the construction upside-down - rather than
implementing the game logic using MonadPrompt (or operational),
implement the players in such a monad.

A sketch:

    {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, EmptyDataDecls #-}
    import Control.Monad.Prompt hiding (Lift)

    data Game -- game state
    data Move -- move
    data Request m a where
        Board    :: Request m Game
        MakeMove :: Move -> Request m ()
        Lift     :: m a -> Request m a
    type Player m a = Prompt (Request m) a

The core game logic would be provided by functions

    initGame :: Monad m => m Game
    initGame = undefined

    makeMove :: Monad m => Move -> Game -> m Game
    makeMove = undefined

To run a game we need to mediate between the two players, performing
their moves. To make this easier we turn the Player's program
into a list of actions. (This is essentially the Prompt type of the
operational package.)

    data Program p a where
        Return :: a -> Program p a
        Then   :: p b -> (b -> Program p a) -> Program p a
    programView :: Prompt p a -> Program p a
    programView = runPromptC Return Then

    game :: Monad m => Player m () -> Player m () -> m ()
    game first second = do
        g <- initGame
        let first'  = programView first
            second' = programView second
            go :: Monad m
               => Game                   -- current state
               -> Program (Request m) () -- player 1
               -> Program (Request m) () -- player 2
               -> m ()
            go g (Return _)               pl2 =
                return ()
            go g (Then (Lift l) pl1)      pl2 =
                l >>= \a -> go g (pl1 a) pl2
            go g (Then Board pl1)         pl2 =
                go g (pl1 g) pl2
            go g (Then (MakeMove mv) pl1) pl2 =
                makeMove mv g >>= \g -> go g pl2 (pl1 ())
        go g first' second'

Note that MakeMove swaps the two players.

What have we achieved? Both players still can only access functions from
whatever monad m turns out to be. But now each strategy can pile its own
custom monad stack on the  Player m  monad! And of course, the use of
the m Monad is completely optional.

Mapping between various 'm' monads may also be useful:

    mapPlayerM :: forall m1 m2 a . (forall a . m1 a -> m2 a)
               -> Player m1 a -> Player m2 a
    mapPlayerM m1m2 pl = runPromptC return handle pl where
        handle :: Request m1 x -> (x -> Player m2 a) -> Player m2 a
        handle (Lift a)      x = prompt (Lift (m1m2 a)) >>= x
        handle (MakeMove mv) x = prompt (MakeMove mv) >>= x
        handle (Board)       x = prompt (Board) >>= x

This could be used to lock out the AI player from using IO, say.


Bertram (aka int-e)

P.S. this is what 'game' would look like without the intermediate
'Program' type, using bare continuations instead:

newtype Pl m = Pl {
     runPl :: Pl m  -- other player
           -> Game  -- current game state
           -> m ()

gameC :: Monad m => Player m () -> Player m () -> m ()
gameC first second = do
    g <- initGame
    let pl1 = runPromptC ret handle first
        pl2 = runPromptC ret handle second
        ret _ = Pl $ \_ _ -> return ()
        handle :: Monad m => Request m a -> (a -> Pl m) -> Pl m
        handle (Lift l)      pl1 =
            Pl $ \pl2 g -> l >>= \a -> runPl (pl1 a) pl2 g
        handle Board         pl1 =
            Pl $ \pl2 g -> runPl (pl1 g) pl2 g
        handle (MakeMove mv) pl1 =
            Pl $ \pl2 g -> runPl pl2 (pl1 ()) =<< makeMove mv g
    runPl pl1 pl2 =<< initGame
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