Henning Thielemann schrieb:
> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010, Christian Maeder wrote:
>> Dear Haskell friends,
>> I like to announce a Haskell style scanner at
>> http://hackage.haskell.org/package/scan
> At first I thought it is a scanner (for whatever purpose) implemented in
> Haskell style. No it checks whether a Haskell module follows a certain
> style. - Nice idea and nice implementation!
>> documented under http://projects.haskell.org/style-scanner/
> The updated Haskell code might be written to a new file by default. Then
> I can interactively transfer the corrections I like to the original code
> using Kompare. I would also not use '-' as option. How would you extend
> the set of options later, say for de-/selection of specific warnings?

I don't know (and have) "Kompare", thanks for mentioning it. Currently
'-' is the only option and I expect other options to be different from
it, like "-l" or "-i". (But maybe I'll change it or add a "-o" option.)

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