
ok I am trying to make these calculation

func  (x,y) s dg  =((x*(cos dg) - y*(sin dg)),(x*(sin dg) - y*(cos dg)))

This work for type (Float -> Float)

but how can make it work with ((Float -> Float) -> Bool)

because my main function that I want use with.  it takes (Float,Float)
->Bool)  I need to return the same type ((Float,Float) ->Bool)  so it could
be used with other function.

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Ozgur Akgun <> wrote:

> Can you at least give an example of how you intend to use this "func"?
> Since you do not describe it's behaviour, it is very hard to make a useful
> comment (at least for me)
> Best,
> On 19 April 2010 16:54, Mujtaba Boori <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello
> > I am sorry for the silly question.
> >
> > I have a function as the following
> > func:: ((Float,Float) ->Bool) -> Float -> ((Float,Float) -> Bool)
> > I am trying to make calculation in this type ((Float,Float) ->Bool)  with
> Float and then pass the information to ((Float,Float) -> Bool)
> >
> > Thank again appreciated.
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> --
> Ozgur Akgun

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