Johan Tibell <> writes:

> Hi Aran,
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Aran Donohue <> wrote:
>     Thanks for the excellent links, that's exactly what I wanted. It's
>     interesting that they've chosen not to base the new work on
>     libevent. 
> The reason was mostly performance concerns due to libev(ent) using
> callbacks to signal events. Callbacks from C into Haskell can be
> inefficient. From the FFI addendum:

Anecdotally, I can confirm this; we're using the FFI binding to libev in
a project and for typical workloads it's actually a little slower than
the plain-jane select()-based Haskell version. It scales better as you
add connections of course.

Gregory Collins <>
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