Maciej Piechotka schrieb:
> On Wed, 2010-05-05 at 01:09 +0200, Daniel Fischer wrote:
>> On Mittwoch 05 Mai 2010 00:55:38, Maciej Piechotka wrote:
>>> I try to configure happstack with parsec 3.1. It seems to fail due to
>>> cabal:
>> happstack-util.cabal says parsec < 3, so --constraint="parsec > 3" and the 
>> given dependencies are incompatible, hence it can't be configured.
>> Probably parsec < 3 was specified because parsec-3.0 was significantly 
>> slower than parsec-2.*.
> I updated local copy, as shown, but cabal wants to rebuild it anyway. My
> question was rather why the repo is considered at all when the package
> is installed.

Surprisingly using plain Cabal (runhaskell Setup configure; runhaskell
Setup build; runhaskell Setup install) often works in these cases.
Cabal-install is somehow too clever and if it cannot resolve the
dependencies it thinks this must be impossible. If it finds a package,
that it could not have installed by itself, it tries to install it by

First I thought that this due to cabal-install trying to find
appropriate flag assignments by itself. However, Duncan Coutts told me
that plain Cabal tries this as well. I have no idea, what the key
difference between cabal-install and plain Cabal is.
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