> IIRC .Net interfaces cannot be added outside assembly (I may be wrong).
> On the other hand Haskell does not have inheritance.
> Generally
>         Haskell: newtype/data specify data (and type) while classes provides
> basic abstract operations on it.
>         C#/Java/...: Classes specify data AND how to operate on it (including
> non-basic operators) and interfaces abstract operations.
> - It is not that it can occur once:
> class Abc x where
>         abc :: x -> [x]
> is roughly:
> interface Abc<in T> {
>         public IList<T> abc();
> }
> - It seems that it is not possible to have default implementations in
> interfaces.

To understand the extend haskell supports object oriented behavior
such as inheritance it is worth reading:

Perhaps, I should start a new discussion on this.
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