wren ng thornton wrote:
David Sankel wrote:
keep :: ((t -> b) -> u -> b) -> ((t1 -> t) -> b) -> (t1 -> u) -> b

Lennart Augustsson  wrote:
There are no interesting (i.e. total) functions of that type.

I wonder how one would prove that to be the case. I tried and didn't come up with anything.

By parametricty, presumably.

We must ultimately construct some value of type b, where b is universally quantified. Therefore, the only 'constructors' available for b are the ((t -> b) -> u -> b) and ((t1 -> t) -> b) arguments. However, since b is universally quantified, these arguments have no way of actually constructing some b, other than by returning bottom.

Er, that's not quite right. That's only true if those arguments are rank-2 quantified. I'd had a longer (correct) explanation and tried shortening it. So here's the better proof:

In order to produce a value of type b, keep must either use one of those two arguments or return bottom.

If it uses the ((t -> b) -> u -> b) argument, then keep can only return non-bottom if that function [1] ignores its arguments and returns an arbitrary b, or [2] uses the (t -> b) argument to construct the b. If we assume #1 then keep is not total, because we have no way of proving that the assumption is valid. So we must expect #2; so in order for keep to be total it must be able to construct a total function (t -> b). In order to construct such a function it must use one of the original two arguments, so this is only possible if we can construct a b via ((t1 -> t) -> b).

If it uses the ((t1 -> t) -> b) argument, then keep can only return non-bottom if that function [1] ignores its arguments, or [2] uses the (t1 -> t) argument. We can't assume #1 and be total, so we must expect #2. In order to construct (t1 -> t) we must construct a t. But, since t is universally quantified, keep knows of no total functions which return t. Thus, keep can only construct a function which returns bottom.

Thus, keep can only return non-bottom under the assumption that the ((t -> b) -> u -> b) and ((t1 -> t) -> b) arguments ignore their arguments to return a constant b.

Live well,
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