One way woul be to represent them usnig a data structure. If it's only
artihmetic operations, it should be pretty easy.

data Arith = Var String
           | Plus Artih Arith
           | Mult Arith Arith
           | Pow  Arith Arith

x + y would be Plus (Var "x") (Var "y"), so on so forth..

You can even use infix constructors like :+:, :*:, :^:

On 4 June 2010 16:37, Martin Drautzburg <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> If I have a problem where I have to select from a set of operations, how
> would
> I print the result?
> Example: If I can chose from (x+y), (x*y), (x^2+y)...
> and I feed them all into my problem solver
> and it finds that "(x*y) is right", how can I print that string?
> --
> Martin
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