On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 21:45 +0300, Yitzchak Gale wrote:
> I wrote:
> >> I have often generated PostScript from Haskell...
> >> Then you convert the PS to PDF using any of the nice
> >> utilities around for that
> Pierre-Etienne Meunier wrote:
> > Isn't there a problem with non-type 1 vectorial fonts being
> > rasterized during this conversion ?
> No.
> PDF is just a simplified, compressed encoding of PostScript.
> Unless there is some special reason to do so, why would
> a conversion utility go to the trouble of rasterizing fonts
> instead of just copying them in?
> Perhaps something like ImageMagick might do that; its
> internal format is a raster.
> Regards,
> Yitz

PDF is not just simplified, compressed encoding of PostScript. Or at
least - LaTeX have some features PDF-only.

For example PDF can have hyper-links (both to local and external
content). It can be scripted in JavaScript (don't ask me why) and can
have form (OK. So I can fill them and print probably). 


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