Since folks got interested, I've added a doc/ subdirectory (on the
"intern" branch) with a PDF defining my karmic social capital
mathematically.  It is this definition which is faithfully computed
both in Clojure and Haskell.

I've also added a LICENSE file basically stating that this research is
to appear in the proceedings of the European Conference on Complex
Systems, Lisbon, September 2010, and should be treated as unpublished
research with the paper in copyright but the code under GPL.  I.e. if
you want to experiment with the definition itself, in addition to
making it compute in Haskell, please let me know -- we're always glad
to collaborate.

The purpose to implement it in a functional language, besides loathing
all others, is to enable quick experimentation with the karmic
rewards, then running the whole world simulation and seeing who
accumulates more social capital.  It can also be used in a machine
learning approach where it's made to fit an existing ranking
function.  Thus this computation has to be as fast as possible.

-- Alexy
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