On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Daniel Kahlenberg <
d.kahlenb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I recently installed HP 2010.1.0.0 within Windows 7 and wanted to
> upgrade the Cabal package to today, sadly I got stuck on a
> failure building the "directory" package.
> So I tried to isolate the messages a bit and gave the following a try in
> a ghci session (1st time only with path to cygwin binaries/2nd time only
> with path to msys binaries added on my path variable, for both times I
> append the logging output):
> Prelude System.Cmd>
> > rawSystem "cabal" ["upgrade", "--constraint=base==4.*", "directory",
> > "-v3", "--user",
> > "--build-log=d:/temp/log/build-$$pkgid-$$compiler.log"]
> Maybe we can find the cause?!
> Greetz
> Daniel
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I see on the gcc command line:

-IC:\\Program Files (x86)\\Haskell Platform\\2010.1.0.0/include

On my machine, HsFFI.h is in lib/include, so maybe try with
--extra-include-dirs=-IC:\\Program Files (x86)\\Haskell

I also ran into problems with the directory package on windows, that I got
around by making sure every thing was installed with --global

JP Moresmau
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