Allowing Functor i also makes defining Thingy directly (without going though 
Monoidal) easy:

newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. i (a -> b) -> i b }

instance Functor i => Functor (Thingy i) where
  fmap f m = Thingy $ runThingy m . fmap (. f)

instance Functor i => Applicative (Thingy i) where
  pure x = Thingy $ fmap ($ x)
  mf <*> mx = Thingy $ runThingy mx . runThingy mf . fmap (.)

Not allowing Functor i and adding Yoneda also works.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:43 PM, Sjoerd Visscher wrote:

> Hi Max,
> This is really interesting!
>> 1. There exist total functions:
>>> lift :: X d => d a -> D a
>>> lower :: X d => D a -> d a
>> 2. And you can write a valid instance:
>>> instance X D
>> With *no superclass constraints*.
> All your examples have a more specific form:
>> lift :: X d => d a -> D d a
>> lower :: X d => D d a -> d a
>> instance X (D d)
> This might help when looking for a matching categorical concept. With your 
> original signatures I was thinking of initial/terminal objects, but that's 
> not the case.
>> 2. Is there a mother of all idioms? By analogy with the previous three
>> examples, I tried this:
>>> -- (<**>) :: forall a. i a -> (forall b. i (a -> b) -> i b)
>>> newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. i (a -> b) -> i b }
>> But I can't see how to write either pure or <*> with that data type.
>> This version seems to work slightly better:
>>> newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. Yoneda i (a -> b) -> i 
>>> b }
>> Because you can write pure (pure x = Thingy (\k -> lowerYoneda (fmap
>> ($ x) k))). But <*> still eludes me!
> It's usually easier to switch to Monoidal functors when playing with 
> Applicative. (See the original Functional Pearl "Applicative programming with 
> effects".)
> Then I got this:
> newtype Thingy i a = Thingy { runThingy :: forall b. Yoneda i b -> Yoneda i 
> (a, b) }
> (&&&) :: Thingy i c -> Thingy i d -> Thingy i (c, d)
> mf &&& mx = Thingy $ fmap (\(d, (c, b)) -> ((c, d), b)) . runThingy mx . 
> runThingy mf
> instance Functor (Thingy i) where
>  fmap f m = Thingy $ fmap (first f) . runThingy m
> instance Applicative (Thingy i) where
>  pure x = Thingy $ fmap (x,)
>  mf <*> mx = fmap (\(f, x) -> f x) (mf &&& mx)
> Note that Yoneda is only there to make it possible to use fmap without the 
> Functor f constraint. So I'm not sure if requiring no class constraints at 
> all is a good requirement. It only makes things more complicated, without 
> providing more insights.
> I'd say that if class X requires a superclass constraint Y, then the instance 
> of X (D d) is allowed to have the constraint Y d. The above code then stays 
> the same, only with Yoneda removed and constraints added.
> greetings,
> --
> Sjoerd Visscher
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