On 01/07/10 10:19, Tom Doris wrote:
According to the criterion.cabal file shipped with the latest ( version of criterion, the Chart package is broken under GHC 6.12:
flag Chart
   description: enable use of the Chart package
   -- Broken under GHC 6.12 so far
Does anyone know the status of this problem? It's been a little frustrating getting Criterion up and running - it didn't work at all under 6.10 due to a compiler bug ("The impossible happened" error on uvector install) and now it works under 6.12 but without the nice charts that are so useful. Appreciate any insight or workarounds for this, thanks


"cabal install criterion -fChart --reinstall" builds fine for me on GHC 6.12.1, and I can draw the KDE graphs succesfully for the criterion examples. I think that comment in the cabal file is probably related to Chart's dependency on gtk2hs. gtk2hs used to be broken on GHC 6.12, but these days it works -- and is on Hackage, too. Give that cabal command a go and see if it works for you.


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