On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Nils Schweinsberg <m...@n-sch.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been trying to use the State monad for concurrent applications and
> came up with a little library.[1] My "MState" uses an IORef to maintain the
> state between different threads. The library also offers a simple way to
> fork off new threads using its own "forkM" function. This function will
> asure that every thread in an "evalMState"/"execMState" call will be
> finished before the final result is returned.
> The library is also on github.com.[2] Please let me know what you think of
> it and whether or not I should put it on hackage.

My thoughts on hackage:
  * For Haskell, if it's not on Hackage it doesn't exist :)
  * It's usually better to put it up on Hackage where someone will use it
and then keep refining it as needed.

In other words, don't be shy!

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