
In order to avoid the short-circuiting behaviour, it might help you to
work in terms of Applicatives instead of Monads.  For example, in my
error-message package I have the following instance:

instance (Monoid e) => Applicative (Either e) where
    pure = Right
    (<*>) (Left error2) (Left error1) = Left (error1 `mappend` error2)
    (<*>) (Left error) _ = Left error
    (<*>) _ (Left error) = Left error
    (<*>) (Right function) (Right argument) = Right (function argument)

This allows me to write

    liftA2 (,) calculation1 calculation2

so that both calculations are always run and the errors are collected
together.  This contrasts with

    liftM2 (,) calculation1 calculation2

which halts if calculation1 and doesn't even bother to run calculation2.


On 07/13/10 15:08, Leon Grynszpan wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first post to the Haskell Café, and I'm hoping the issue
> I'm tackling here isn't one that's been thoroughly explored elsewhere.
> If that's the case, I'll apologize in advance for my insufficient
> google chops. Otherwise, here goes...
> I do a lot of work within the error monad. Having read Eric Kidd's
> blog on error reporting in Haskell
> (http://www.randomhacks.net/articles/2007/03/10/haskell-8-ways-to-report-errors),
> I'm always a bit paranoid about dealing with errors in the most
> generic, flexible way possible. As a result, a lot of the functions I
> use that could result in errors have signatures along these lines:
> couldThrowError :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => t1 -> t2 -> m t3
> The way I figure it, this means that I can use these functions within
> any particular MonadError, which keeps me happy if I decide to change
> implementations at any particular point during development.
> Usually, I use these couldThrowError functions in a standard do block.
> Something along the lines of:
> couldThrowError :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => t1 -> t2 -> m t3
> couldThrowError = do x <- processWithPossibleError t1
>                                 y <- processWithPossibleError t2
>                                 ...
>                                 return (z :: t3)
> Things stay generic at this level. I can still choose any MonadError
> implementation I want, and if any of the computations in the do block
> throws an Error, the whole function short-circuits.
> Often enough, however, I don't want this kind of short-circuiting
> behavior. What I want, instead, is to run a whole bunch of
> computations that may throw errors. If there are any errors, I want to
> collect them all into one big master error. If not, I want a list of
> results. Here's an example of usage:
> couldThrowError :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => t1 -> m t2
> getParams :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => [t1] --> m [t2]
> getParams = groupErrors . map couldThrowError
> I found it pretty easy to implement groupErrors for Either String:
> groupErrors :: (Error e, MonadError e m) => [Either String a] -> m [a]
> groupErrors eithers = case partitionEithers eithers of
>                                        ([], xs) -> return xs
>                                        (es,  _) -> strError $ unlines es
> The problem, though, is that running this function now causes type
> inference to provide "Either String" as my MonadError implementation.
> If any of the potential error sources are dealing with a different
> concrete implementation, I'm stuck! It would be nice if I could stay
> generic. I made an effort at this that you can see below, but it
> strikes me as very awkward.
> collectErrors :: (Monoid e, Error e, MonadError e m) => m a -> m [a] -> m [a]
> collectErrors m1 m2 =
>  do m1r <- (m1 `catchError` (\e1 ->
>                (m2 `catchError` (\e2 ->
>                    throwError $ mappend e1 e2)) >>
>                throwError e1))
>     m2r <- m2
>     return $ m1r : m2r
> groupErrors' :: (Monoid e, Error e, MonadError e m) => [m a] -> m [a]
> groupErrors' = foldr collectErrors (return [])
> As you can see, I now require an error type that implements monoid. An
> example I've tested is:
> newtype ErrorString = ES String
>     deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Error)
> instance Monoid ErrorString where
>     mempty                  = ES ""
>     mappend (ES s1) (ES s2) = ES $ s1 `mappend` "\n" `mappend` s2
> This seems to work, but something strikes me as being very hackish
> here. Maybe it's just that collectErrors looks very ugly, and in
> Haskell my intuition tells me that what looks ugly on the surface is
> often ugly down below. I suspect that I might really not be
> approaching this problem the right way, but after a lot of time spent
> wrestling with it, I'm eager to read your suggestions. Is there a
> better way to do groupErrors, or should I be looking at an entirely
> different philosophy?
> Thanks,
> Grynszpan
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