I give again the survey URL:

On 20-07-2010, Ketil Malde <ke...@malde.org> wrote:
> Ivan Lazar Miljenovic <ivan.miljeno...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I'd like to request some clarification of some of the questions:
> You might want to add a "don't know" or similar option, so that people
> don't have to fill in questions arbitrarily in the case they feel none
> of the answers match.

You can just skip the question. No question are mandatory.

>> 3. I use cabal-install only in testing my own packages (as it's easier
>>    to do "cabal foo" than "runhaskell Setup.hs foo").
> I generally try to use distribution packages first, and (manually)
> download from hackage in case my distribution doesn't supply what I
> need.  I'm not quite sure what to answer here.

I think the answer:
"I use cabal-install when my Linux/Mac/Windows distribution doesn't
provide the package"
should be ok.

Thank you for answering the survey.

Sylvain Le Gall

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